Source code for stenotype.backend.elements

Steno Type Elements

Representations of the fundamental :py:mod:`stenotype` building blocks.
Each element holds the relevant information for both a :py:mod:`stenotype` and
:py:mod:`typing` conversion.

Note that all elements are represented as values, not types:
A :py:class:`Steno` encodes :py:mod:`stenotype` syntax/code,
not any concrete types.
For example, ``Identifier('typing', 'List')`` is not the type :py:class:`typing.List`
but represents the name ``typing.List``.
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple as TupleT, Union as UnionT, Optional as OptionalT

[docs]class Dots: """A literal ``...`` placeholder""" __slots__ = () def __eq__(self, other): return True if type(other) is Dots else NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"
[docs]class Identifier(TupleT[str, ...]): """A qualified name, such as ``typing.Tuple``""" def __new__(cls, *elements: str): return super().__new__(cls, elements) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({", ".join(map(repr, self))})'
[docs]class Generic(NamedTuple): """A generic type, such as ``typing.List[int]``""" base: Identifier parameters: TupleT[UnionT["Steno", Dots], ...]
[docs]class Any: """Any type as ``_``, same as :py:class:`typing.Any`""" __slots__ = () def __eq__(self, other): return True if type(other) is Any else NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return f"Any()"
[docs]class Optional(NamedTuple): """Optional type as ``?base``, equivalent to ``typing.Optional[base]``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class Union(TupleT["Steno"]): """Union of types as ``A or B``, equivalent to ``typing.Union[A, B]``""" def __new__(cls, *elements: "Steno"): return super().__new__(cls, elements) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({", ".join(map(repr, self))})'
[docs]class Tuple(NamedTuple): """Typed tuple as ``(A, B, ...)``, equivalent to ``typing.Tuple[A, B, ...]``""" elements: TupleT[UnionT["Steno", Dots], ...]
[docs]class List(NamedTuple): """Typed list as ``[values]``, equivalent to ``typing.List[values]``""" values: "Steno"
[docs]class Dict(NamedTuple): """Typed dict as ``{keys: values}``, equivalent to ``typing.Dict[keys, values]``""" keys: "Steno" values: "Steno"
[docs]class Set(NamedTuple): """Typed dict as ``{values}``, equivalent to ``typing.Set[values]``""" values: "Steno"
[docs]class Literal(NamedTuple): """Literal value, not a type""" value: UnionT[None, bool, int, str, bytes, "ellipsis"]
[docs]class Iterable(NamedTuple): """Typed iterable as ``iter base``, equivalent to ``typing.Iterable[base]``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class Context(NamedTuple): """Typed context manager as ``with base``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class Awaitable(NamedTuple): """Typed awaitable as ``await base``, equivalent to ``typing.Awaitable[base]``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class AsyncIterable(NamedTuple): """Typed async iterable as ``async iter base``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class AsyncContext(NamedTuple): """Typed async context manager as ``async with base``""" base: "Steno"
[docs]class Parameter(NamedTuple): """Typed parameter of a call signature as ``name: base``""" name: OptionalT[str] base: "Steno"
# Do we need a default value?
[docs]class Signature(NamedTuple): """Typed signature as ``(p: P, /, m: M, *a: A, k: K, **kw: KW) -> R``""" #: positional only parameters, e.g. ``(a: A, b:B, /)`` positional: TupleT[Parameter, ...] #: positional or keyword parameters, e.g. ``(a: A, b: B)`` mixed: TupleT[Parameter, ...] #: variadic positional parameters, e.g. ``(*args: ARGS)`` args: OptionalT[Parameter] #: keyword only parameters, e.g. ``(*, a: A, b: B)`` keywords: TupleT[Parameter, ...] #: variadic keyword parameters, e.g. ``(**kwargs: KWARGS)`` kwargs: OptionalT[Parameter] #: return type, e.g. ``() -> R`` returns: "Steno"
[docs]class Callable(NamedTuple): """Typed positional signature as ``(A, B, /, C, D) -> R``""" positional: "UnionT[TupleT[Steno, ...], Dots]" returns: "Steno"
#: Any steno element Steno = UnionT[ Dots, Identifier, Generic, Any, Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Set, Literal, Iterable, Context, Awaitable, AsyncIterable, AsyncContext, Signature, Callable, ]